Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Graduation & Convocation

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
dear my lovely blog's reader....hari ni aku juz nk cte ckit je...

now, i'm officially graduated from yuyaiyea...sekrg ni tgh pening2 kpla nk buat clearance in order nk dpt kan full transcript & graduation letter utk memudahkn aku cari kje..

insyAllah, the convocation day will be held on 6 until 8 Oct 2012...

btw, aku tgh buntu sama ada nk memilih profesion guru atau pun msuk mana2 company bhgian HR sbb aku x sure jln yg mana harus aku lalui & akan membuatkan aku bhagia in d future...

oh, ni lg 1 hal..encik MF skrg kt KOREA, ok!!!  sumpah, aku jelez sbb xleh nk ikut dia...h/ever, nsb baik encik NIKON aku ikut dia g sna...untunglah jd dslr sbb bleh g jauh2 xyah byr duit tiket...hehehehe...

i really miss him rite now...

oklah, that's all for today...thanks 4 reading!!! (wlaupn aku tahu xde org nk bce) hahahaha... :p

P/S: MF i miss u so much...y did'nt u call or smsing me???....